
CFS Friendly Recommended Professionals
The following are recommendations from individual members based on their experiences. The Bay Area CFS Support Group doesn't receive any monetary or in-kind funds for any endorsements.

Dr. Andreas Kogelnik, Infectious Disease doctor located in Mountain View, CA.

A summary of Amberlin's experiences of Dr. Kogelnik can be heard here:

Dr. Jose Montoya, Infectious Disease doctor at Stanford
Ran Valcyte study as an antiviral CFS treatment,

Dr. Azarow and Dr. Eckman each have decades of experience treating patients with CFS/ME, FMS, and related disorders:

Dr. Vinita Azarow, Chiropractor and Energy Healer
(650) 967-3636
1503 Grant Rd # 100
Mountain View, CA 94040 -3293

Dr. Peter Eckman, Acupuncturist

Dr. Lawrence Epstein, Internist
(650) 934-2400
2204 Grant Road
Mountain View, CA 94040-3855

A superb massage therapist who knows fibromyalgia well:

Annette Oevermann, CMT
Mountain View Chiropractic Center
1503 Grant Road, Suite 100
Mountain View, CA 94040

A fine traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, who (unlike Dr. Eckman) uses herbs extensively:

Esther Su, OMD
Terrywood Court
San Jose, CA 95132

A couple of local shops would be good resources, too. Here's my favorite local Chinese herb shop, with a full array of bulk herbs and patent formulas and very reasonable prices:

E & W Natural Way
762 West Dana St.
Mountain View CA 94041
Yeen Yip, manager (Yeen is a lovely person and she has excellent command of English.)

For books on health/well-being and spirituality, and for meditation supplies, I'm a big fan of:
East-West Books
324 Castro St.
Mountain View, CA 94041

They also have a good speakers series.

12 supplements that you should avoid (Consumer Reports)

12 supplements to consider (Consumer Reports)

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine handout on probiotics
I thought this pdf was useful, especially these three things:

* Fermented dairy products must contain live cultures to have probiotic effects.
* It is important to be sure that the probiotic can survive moving through stomach acid.
* The handout contains a list of probiotics that passed Consumerlab testing